The opinions expressed in the following are simply that, my opinions.
Well, Twilight has conculded. What an odd series. Notice that I chose to call it 'odd' rather than bad, because on the whole it wasn't 'bad'. Sure, Breaking Dawn Part 1 is the worst movie I have ever seen, but the rest weren't all that horrible. First things first, star ratings:
(scale out of 5)
Twilight: Half a Star
New Moon: 1 Star
Eclipse: 2 Stars
Breaking Dawn Part 1: MINUS FIVE STARS
Breaking Dawn Part 2: 1 Star
See what I mean? Remove the MINUS FIVE STARS from the equation, and what's left is a lower end of the barrel franchise that is harmless enough. Its whacky, it has its charming moments and characters, and there are parts of them that I actually enjoyed. That being said, I'd never choose to ever watch any of them ever again.
What made the series so interesting to me is comparing my opinion on it to the opinions of others. Tonight as I sat alone in the theatre waiting for the movie to begin, a pair of young ladies sat in the seats next to me. I asked what they tought of the previous film, and they both claimed to have 'loved it' when they asked me what I thought I was very honest, explaining that I thought it to be the worst movie I have ever seen, and that I gave it a rating of MINUS FIVE STARS. We got to talking and I explained my thoughts on the other films which I shall summarize:
Twilight: Extremely boring, and beyond that there's nothing much I can really say. I did not choose to watch this movie, I was working as a Co-Op Student in a 7th grade class, and when that class watchd it, I was stuck.
New Moon: Whacky, silly and all around laughable. Has that 'so bad it's good' quality that a lot of movies I enjoy have. The lack of Edward for the majority of the film made it easier to watch.
Eclipse: I actually kind of liked this movie. Despite some stupidity, this is my favourite one.
Going into this movie, I was prepared for the worst. I knew there was a distinct possibility I could completely hate this film. However, in the end, it was an enjoyable theatre experience. I could sit here and nitpick the finer details, spoil the whole thing, but I'm hesitant to sit and actually review this. I'm not in a position to do that. To those two young ladies that were sitting next to me, this was their Countdown to Destruction. They enjoyed this movie, and I did as well, although for much different reasons.
To sum it all up: If you ignore Breaking Dawn Part 1, this series is nothing special. The other four movies are just whacky and campy. They are like Batman Forever; bad, but not horrible. Some of my closer friends have heard the stories about my expeirence with Breaking Dawn Part 1, but for those of you who haven't, well it can be summed up in three words: MINUS FIVE STARS.
Thank you for reading. I was honestly expecting this to be a little longer.
(Elephant in the room: Seeing Breaking Dawn Part 1 by myself was a
little difficult for me because it was the first time I'd seen a
Twilight movie without the friend I saw New Moon and Eclipse with. That
was our thing, and well, she and I have grown apart. Truth be told I
miss her greatly. )
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