Monday, 3 February 2014

Survivor All Season Retrospective Part the Eighth: Africa Post Merge

(The opinions expressed in the following are mine and not necessarily those of anyone else, although in some cases they should be and probably are)

The first few episodes of the Africa post merge are awesome episodes of Survivor. Despite the fact what should have been the most dramatic 5-4 vote in history was ruined by the editors (WHY DID THEY SHOW BRANDON'S VOTE?!?!) these 3 episodes are perfect.

I could go into detail, but the truth is given the shit that followed I just don't want to. We got 9 great episode of survivor and then the season took a nose dive. The remained sucks so much it makes me hate all of it and not want to talk about it. This sort of shit is just boring. Like for fuck's sake. I'm not that impatient of a person, but I cannot force myself to sit through the end of Survivor Africa. It's just not happening. This may seem like I'm quitting, and well I am. I'm just jumping ahead to Marquesas.

End season wrap up stuff go!
Best Player of the Season: Ethan (beautifully positioned himself as the #3 so he got ahead and took no heat whatsoever)
Best Jury Member Question/Speech:
Best Episode: Either 5 or 8
Worst Episode: 10-13 take your fucking pick (just like Australia)
Best Challenge: The boulder push reward challenge
If I were on the Jury, who would I have voted for (based solely on their final tribal performance): Ethan
Person I most grew a new appreciation for: Silas

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